Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Easy 10km Run

The day after running a half marathon distance, I like to take it easy.
Normally I'll give my joints a break and run on our super duper, heavy duty, treadmill but today the conditions were just too perfect and I had to go outside.
I'll leave the treadmill runs for the rest of the week when the weather here is going to get hot and muggy.

So I set off in the same direction as I did yesterday. I starting to shy away from the esplanade and only really run the last km on it. Although I love the views, I hate the fact that I have to share the path with other runners.
I get stressed if I have to pass another runner because I wonder if they think I'm showing off, or sometimes I wonder if I can keep up the pace to stay ahead of them.... and I hate being overtaken by other runners (unless they're running at 20km/hr pace... then good for them!)
Granted, those two scenario's aren't commonplace. In fact I can't remember the last time someone actually passed by me and if I have to pass someone, I normally cross the road so I do it from the other side of the road... but just the thought of having to go through all that puts me off.

So today I went to the main rd the runs parallel with the esplanade. It was still going to be a shorter run after my 21kms yesterday. I felt pretty good the whole way although I was looking forward to the end by the time I got there.

At one stage I noticed a male runner on the other side of the road. He seemed to be motoring away but we stayed together for a while which made me feel good because it meant I was doing that pace more or less too! But then he turned off to the esplanade and I kept going...

Average speed today 11kms/hr and heart rate average was 160 bpm which is lower than it has been so I was happy about that too!

61kms for the month so far...

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with the "joggerlator" too- I actually can't think of the last time I used one! Sounds like a good recovery run.
