Wednesday, August 11, 2010

End of the training Road...

End of the training road... at least for now. At least until I've recovered from this upcoming marathon.

The way my nerves have been, I can't imagine doing another. I feel like more of a fake than I've ever done. I don't know if my training has been enough and on top of that, I don't know if it's my shoes wearing out or what, but I'm so sore. My left hip is sore and I just lie in bed at night with aches in my legs and feet.
I'm completely overwhelmed. Everyone seems to have done more training than me.

I want this experience so badly because I don't know if I'll ever have another shot at it. Mostly because of how nervous I am! I can't stand this feeling!
But if I want the achievement I have no choice....

And I've completely let go of any times... whatever time I do it in, I do it in... But I'm deathly afraid of being the lone one out there that everyone is waiting for.

I won't care about how awful I look with no make up and my hair pulled back... I just wish I wasn't meeting those other runners from the message boards in that state!
I also won't care about how bad I look when I have those photos taken with my medal.
Yeah I know the medal is nothing to seasoned marathoners but this is my first and it will always be special if only for that reason....

So now I have 4 days to go.

Just wish I could look into the future and see my report from the race...

Total kms for August.. 102kms


  1. Good luck! You will be fine- all the hard work is done. Will be thinking of you. Sara

  2. I diagnose a serious case of the Pre-Marathon Jitters.

    The best advice I've had in this situation is to rest as much as you can, try to relax, have faith in the training you've done so far, make sure you start out at a really comfortable pace and just enjoy the experience (as crazy as that sounds).

    You'll inevitably have tough moments - everyone does - but you'll be fine.

    Good luck, and look forward to reading the race report.

  3. good luck. Just found your blog. sounds like you have put in the work and ... you will do it ... you will do it well. can't wait to see the race report!!

  4. We are all going to look crappy! You will find that we don't/won't care what you look like.

    And I do believe that you are more prepared than me! I assure you you wont be at the back - my dad is running. He is 72. There are a number of other runners who are definitely going to be slower.

    See you there. Sonya

  5. Seek not the medal, but the feeling that you will attain having crossed that line and looking forward to the next one!

    looking forward to hearing all about it!
